Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Gable Travels

While on furlough, we have several items on our missionary to-do list. During the first part of this year we were busy reporting to our partnering churches how the ministry is progressing in Ivory Coast. It is encouraging to us to get reacquainted with friends from various churches and hear their stories as well. Most of all, I love to share about how God is moving in Ivory Coast and how we get to be a part of it. And when people get interested and ask questions, they usually get more than they asked for... I'll take any opportunity I have to speak about our great God's work through our mission team.

We've also been busy raising added support. With the dollar going down and inflation going up, coupled with added responsabilities when returning to the field, our monthly budget has seen a sharp increase. Again, I love it when we have the opportunity to share about the work in Ivory Coast, but it has been a challenge to find new partners during this time. Please continue to pray for good contacts and God-inspired meetings that will help us develop the important relationships with people who will become ministry partners.
We have had some success in raising funds towards our Outgoing Fund to get back to Ivory Coast. I've enjoyed speaking at a Youth Retreat earlier this year and four VBS's during this summer. We want to say a big thank you to the following churches for having us as their missions project for their VBS: New Brunswick Church of Christ, Lebanon Christian Church, Second Church of Christ in Danville, IL and Colfax Christian Church. The offerings from these churches has raised over 25% of our outgoing budget themselves.

Of course we have enjoyed family and friends, trying to send the kids off the their grandparents homes as often as possible. They have experienced most of the VBS's as well and Clay has enjoyed going to camp a couple different times. We are all looking forward to the fall church programs at Lebanon Christian Church. All of us enjoy going to classes and meeting new friends and being fed on God's Word.
Please be praying for our support raising needs. We hope to return to Ivory Coast in January (if all goes well). Thanks for your prayers and support.

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